Core values

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Core values: sincere, honest, diligent, innovative

    Sincere: Originally from the "Zuo Zhuan", the basic explanation is practical loyalty, now extended to firm faith, single-minded, very honest and trustworthy。Honesty is the basic requirement for the main body of market economy。The essence of quality service is to use the international common technical language to convey trust, smooth communication, sincere is its most significant feature。Sincerity is the foundation of CCI Group and CCI staff, always in the first place, as the source and starting point of all work, to keep promises, compliance management, to achieve "every business, every certificate is a commitment"。

  Shou Zheng: one of the core values of traditional Chinese culture。Sima Qian in "Shi Ji Li Shu" specifically stressed to abide by the right path。"Right", the road also。It contains not only the interests of the state, the great justice of the nation and social conscience, but also the correct path, objective laws and moral personality。Cci Group and CCI staff adhere to the integrity as the fundamental, adhere to the responsibility and positioning of central enterprises, fulfill the responsibility of the "national team", keep the original heart, and take the right path。At the same time, it is also the dominant element of professional ethics, focusing on the main business, insisting on the independence, fairness and accuracy of third-party quality services。

  Industry essence: from Han Yu "Jin learning solution" "Industry excellence in diligence, shortage in one;Success depends on thought, but failure depends on time。The intention is that the study is due to diligence and specialization。Inspection and testing certification belongs to the high-tech service industry, whether it is based on the positioning of the industry itself, or play a role in promoting high-quality development, it requires excellence。Cca Group and CCA staff with deep feelings, the quality of service as a cause to pursue, dedicated to the industry, focus on the main business, specializing in technology, professional talent, carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship, adhere to the serious and responsible, scientific and rigorous work style, the pursuit of perfection, the pursuit of excellence, with high quality service to win recognition and respect。

  Dingxin: refers to the old, renewal, innovation。Language out of Wang Bo "Guangzhou Baosolemn Temple pagoda stele" : "New foundation structure, pavilion Luan Tingan 嶪。First from the "Zhouyi · Miscellaneous hexagrams" : "Leather, go to the old also, Ding, take new also.。Now generally refers to overcoming all difficulties, continuous change and innovation。A new round of scientific and technological revolution, business models and industrial patterns are being reshaped at an accelerated pace, and innovation has become the primary driving force for development。Cci Group and CCI staff are never satisfied with the status quo,Do not rest on your laurels in the face of achievements,Not conformist in the face of new things,Don't stand still in the face of difficulties,Be good at learning,Have the courage to change,Change for the new,It is necessary to constantly innovate in business technology and operation management,In the spirit and ability of the style of work constantly show new weather and new changes,Always maintain full vigor and vitality,At the forefront of the industry。

  Honesty is the cornerstone, keeping is the fundamental, industry is the core, innovation is the driving force。The organic unity of the four constitutes the basic value principles and standards that all employees of the group should adhere to


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